About Lesson
Security officers must follow and also enforce everyone to follow the rules within the specified zones.
The operational Zone.
- Must always wear mask
- Do not bring used mask from the Red Zone to the green zone.
- Maintain 2m distance at all times
- Always stay alert, and a visible deterrent.
- Red zone is the customer facing zone, and thus you must always lead as an example to both customers and site operatives.
- Do not wear gloves.
- No food or drinks allowed.
- No usage of personal phones
- No smoking zone
Donning On and Donning Off PPE.
- Putting and removing of PPE, especially Face masks, face shields, and hand sanitising.
- Must attend amber zone before going in to Red zone from green zone, hand sanitize and wear a new face mask.
- Must attend amber zone before going to the Green zone from Red zone, you can only remove mask in the amber zone, hand sanitise and only then enter the Green zone.
- Must follow the social distancing rules 2m.
- Cleaning, Soap, and hand sanitising facilities available.
- No food or drinks allowed.
- No usage of personal phone
- No smoking zone
Mask Free and break zone.
- Do not wear mask.
- Must follow the social distancing rules 2m.
- When you enter the site, you must come from green zone, and hand sanitise in the entrance gate.
- Sign in to the office and pick up a clean sanitised radio.
- Attend the amber zone, hand sanitise and wear the mask before entering the operational red zone.
- Food and drinks allowed
- Personal phones can be used on break times in welfare room.
- No smoking zones