Course Content
Module 1 – Risk Assessment
Risk assessment during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic We all have a duty of care to protect people from harm. This includes taking reasonable steps to protect yourself and others from coronavirus. This is called a COVID-19 risk assessment and it’ll help you manage risk and protect people. After completing this module, you must be able to: identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of the virus think about who could be at risk decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed act to remove the activity or situation, or if this isn’t possible, control the risk It is very important to understand the main hazards, we will now go through examples of the main hazards, risks, control measures and actions you must take as a security officer to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.
Module 2 – Social Distancing and Understanding Zones
Two employees following social distancing rules in the workplace. In this module we will cover the below objectives in relevance to social distancing in the workplace: Overview Workstations Movement around workplace Using vehicles Additional control measures
Module 3 – Cleaning, Hygiene and Hand Washing
Keeping your workplace clean and frequent hand washing reduces the potential for coronavirus to spread and is a critical part of making and keeping your business ‘COVID-secure’. You must protect people yourself and others from spreading germs. This includes taking reasonable steps to protect your workers and others from coronavirus (COVID-19). Coronavirus can transfer from people to surfaces. It can be passed on to others who touch the same surfaces. As a security officer you must ensure that a high level of hygiene is maintained, surfaces are clean and adopt the correct hand washing technique. In this module we will go through the correct method of washing germs from your hands to make yourself and others more secure.
Module 4 – Day to day responsibilities for Security Officers in Covid-19 Testing sites
For security services companies, their top priority is keeping their workforce safe, especially those assigned to high-risk areas such as healthcare facilities or a Coronavirus testing sites.  However, security officers have the responsibility to ensure they follow good practice that can help minimize the risk of exposure.
Free COVID-19 Site Awareness For Security Officers
About Lesson
Protect yourself and others by wearing the face mask correctly.

What are the Hazards?

Exposure to coronavirus or spreading coronavirus by not wearing the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Who is at Risk?

–              Customers

–              Operatives

–              Security officers

–              Contractors

–              Drivers

–              Visitors

What is the control measure for this hazard?

employ good hand hygiene, and appropriate thorough handwashing.

masks, gowns and eye protection

Face shield masks to be worn, if they are unable to wear the standard face mask.

Que management and limiting the number of people on site at one time

Follow the site instructions on the three different zones, Green, Amber and Red.

What actions you can take as a security officer to control the risks?

– Monitor and supervise to enforce the usage of masks.

– Remind people who are seen to not correctly wear masks, and guide them to correctly observe the face covering.

– Report to site lead or supervisor if masks rules are broken.

– Report to site lead if anyone not complying to always face covering rules.